First day of spring

When is the First Day of Spring?

In Camping & Adventure, Luxury & Lifestyle by Something HappeningsLeave a Comment

The vernal equinox marks the official first day of spring, Monday, March 20, at 2:24 P.M. PST. The spring equinox comes right after the switch to daylight saving time. In most places, the rain and snow has declined and temperatures have started to go up. But, what does this day of the year mean?

What Does it Mean?

Since the earth’s axis is tilted 23.5 degrees, the March equinox marks 12 hours of daylight in the northern hemisphere. The word equinox comes from aequus “equal” + nox (genitive noctis) “night”. Around the equinox, days and nights are the same length. Moving toward the summer solstice the days get longer, until the fall equinox, where day and night is the same again. Days get shorter moving toward the winter equinox. 

The dates of the astronomical moments for 2023 are:

  • Spring: March 20 (spring equinox)
  • Summer: June 21 (summer solstice)
  • Fall: Sept. 22 (autumnal equinox)
  • Winter: Dec. 21 (winter solstice)

How to Celebrate the First Day of Spring

People have celebrated the coming of spring for as long as time. Whether for its religious or spiritual meaning or the restarting of the vegetation cycle, society has found ritual and ceremony around this time of year. Easter is a holiday associated with the coming of spring. Additionally, its roots may have originated from the pagan holiday, Ostara, still celebrated today by many.

Woman walking in park on the first day of spring

Many others choose to celebrate aspects of wellness, growth, or goal setting for themselves. The reviving energy of the time of year can help nurture expansion, movement, and flow. For some, it might be a tropical vacation to somewhere warmer.

Final Thoughts

The spring equinox is one of the most beautiful times of the year, both in terms of temperature and energy. It helps us reconfigure our lives and priorities, as well as enjoy the extra sunlight preparing us for the summer ahead. In conclusion, no matter how you enjoy the spring equinox, make sure you do and plan to spend a part of it outside.

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